Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Press Release 4 Final Draft

Press Release 4
Oct. 10, 2008

Wayne Dymock,
Institute Director
160 N. Main St.
Logan, UT 84321

Institute focusing on helping campus be one.

LOGAN, Utah Change can be a great thing, and definitely has been at USU. Due to recent changes in school policy, the LDS Institute of Religion is once again able to have a real presence on the campus. With this regained freedom, one of the big goals they have is to help the campus come closer together. Their efforts include planning activities with FOCUS, the on-campus Christian group, and by inviting any and all students of the university to take classes at the institute.

It is well known that people are a lot less scared of people who are different when they take them time to get to know each other, and this is something that the teachers at the Institute would definitely like to see more of on the campus. “We would like to see all of the students on campus being able to freely be themselves, and express their opinions,” says Bro. Dymock. Some of the ways they plan on doing this are by not only working together with FOCUS, but by also having students from foreign nations come and take with the students at the institute. Here they could help the students better understand other cultures and believes.

The other method is by inviting all the students on campus, regardless of religion, to come and take classes at the institute. Here they would be able to learn more of what their LDS counterparts on campus truly believe, and through this understanding get along and work together better.

The Logan LDS Institute of Religion is dedicated to the well being of the students. It has full-time faculty, and offers classes on weekdays, both morning and night. The classes cover dozens of topics, and are sure to have one that appeals to every student. The faculty strives to teach students the lessons they need to keep happiness in their lives, and spread it to others. For those interested in getting involved, e-mail Bro. Woodbury at woodburym@ldsces.org, or feel free to walk in and ask the front-desk secretary.

Ian Fitch
945 N. 800 E. #3
Logan UT, 84321


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